Working with…Unlikely Genius

Working with… Helen Hill AKA Unlikely Genius Up next on the ‘Working with…’ series, we’re zooming in to take a closer look at some of the work I do for Helen Hill.  Helen goes under the moniker of Unlikely Genius, which is the name of her learning and content design business – that’s the words…

Post-it note on a pin board with a lightbulb drawing

Creativity creates connections

The benefits of creative pursuits are well known, but as we all know all too well, it can be hard to find the time to fit them in or to justify the time spent on them when you work for yourself because there are ALWAYS a million things to do, and this creative thing –…

3 things to check on your Mailchimp account now

Mailchimp is super easy to get started with and has been a popular choice for newsletters for some time. With its entry-level starting plans, excellent choice of templates and layouts, you can import a list of contacts and be sending beautiful emails in no time.   There are many so features to make use of, but…

3 options for requesting and collating feedback

Feedback is part of any service, whether that’s providing resources for a community, a fixed service deliverable or an online event, asking your customers or audience what they think is useful for several reasons:  It helps you improve through making informed decisions  It re-engages your customers and helps build relationships  It can be a pat on…