Reframing the role of VA

Isn’t it time we reframed the role of a VA?   The year we saw the biggest shift in remote work. All those that had resisted it up until then, had no choice. But where does that leave the VAs? Have we lost our biggest USP? What’s special about ‘virtual’ if everyone is virtual?  After spending…


Welcome to my FAQs If you’d prefer to read this as one continual post, please visit my ‘Everything you need to know about working with me’ post. Or click each of the links below to answer the questions you have. If you have a question that isn’t listed here, drop me an email. Who is…

Remote control

Remote working, a remote team and more than a remote chance it’ll be fine. I wrote this post originally back at the end of 2018. Now, in the summer of 2020, remote working is still a necessity for many, and we’ve seen a shift in remote working that is here to stay.  It’s nothing new,…

I took part in a year-long writing challenge

My Write52 year In July 2019, a few posts on Twitter had caught my attention. #Write52 had just started so I decided to take the plunge and join in.   What is Write52? Write52 is an accountability pact. A challenge. A pledge.   “If you’ve ever found yourself agonising over the tiniest bits of copy on your website, lost…

Getting started as a virtual assistant

Are you thinking of setting yourself up as a VA?  Having been approached a few times by aspiring VAs, I thought it was about time to share a few tips and pointers and things I’ve learnt along the way.  Honestly, my business is not yet where I want it to be, but that is mostly…

Working with…Dark Angels Writers

Working with… Dark Angels Writers Continuing my ‘Working with…’ series, where I take a closer look at some of the work I do for individual clients, up next are Dark Angels Writers.   Dark Angels offer courses in Creative Writing for Business in the form of writing retreats and workshops – for writers of any kind.  Having worked…

Can a VA help with Social Media?

The short answer to this is yes. A VA can help with your social media. Many VAs chose to specialise in this area, and it’s an in-demand service for many small businesses or independent creatives who are busy juggling many balls in the air and wearing many hats.   Can I help with your social media?   The answer to this is also yes. BUT,…

When being busy isn’t productive

Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive.  As freelancers or small business owners, we work flexibly, so that it fits in with our lives, but it can be hard to get all the work done.  You’re busy, I get it. Aren’t we all?  So busy. Our heads swimming with what needs to get done.…