Working with…Unlikely Genius

Working with… Helen Hill AKA Unlikely Genius Up next on the ‘Working with…’ series, we’re zooming in to take a closer look at some of the work I do for Helen Hill.  Helen goes under the moniker of Unlikely Genius, which is the name of her learning and content design business – that’s the words…

Post-it note on a pin board with a lightbulb drawing

Asana: My one tool to rule them all

I don’t know about you, but saying I’m going to do something and actually doing something isn’t the same thing. There are things I should be doing, things I’d like to do, things I plan to do, and things that I need to do. Work projects, content plans, biz admin, exercise regimes, blog post ideas,…

What do I bring to your team?

When you work with me, I become part of your team. This might be for a fixed duration – if you have a specific project – or in a continual role, where I literally do step into the team for a certain amount of work each week or month and I assume full responsibility for…

Working with…Dark Angels Writers

Working with… Dark Angels Writers Continuing my ‘Working with…’ series, where I take a closer look at some of the work I do for individual clients, up next are Dark Angels Writers.   Dark Angels offer courses in Creative Writing for Business in the form of writing retreats and workshops – for writers of any kind.  Having worked…

Can a VA help with Social Media?

The short answer to this is yes. A VA can help with your social media. Many VAs chose to specialise in this area, and it’s an in-demand service for many small businesses or independent creatives who are busy juggling many balls in the air and wearing many hats.   Can I help with your social media?   The answer to this is also yes. BUT,…

You have a website, now what?

You have a website, now what? How a virtual assistant can help you with website content updates on WordPress  What business doesn’t have a website these days? Customers expect to find information online easily, so maintaining an online presence is imperative. You have a website, now what? A common misconception is that once a website…